For Service Provider: For DIYers
Service Category: Others - Inside
My furnace stopped working.
Experience and Good Comments
家里furnace 风扇不转了。
1. 用gas的热水器正常工作所以不是gas问题。
2. 换了新filter,还是不转。
3. Thermostat 是ON, 听得见Furnace工作的声音,检查Furnace看得见火, 用手摸是热的。但是出风口没有风。
4. 把circuit 关掉打开,还是不转,所以应该不是circuit断电问题。
1. 找了很多家报价更换新的furnace, 报价从2k to 5.5k 不等, homehomeyeah 上推荐的厂家报价最靠谱,但是厂家生意太好太忙了,安装时间排到几天之后。
2. Furnace 95% 和 80%: 主流都是80%, 95%虽然有PSE折扣,但是成本更高,安装工序也更复杂,连排风管的材料都不能用金属的,总体来说得不偿失。 可以想象以后维护也更麻烦。
3. 好朋友提醒,Furnace寿命在20年以上, 这东西技术含量真不高,结构简单,甚至比组装电脑容易多了。 新的furnace 和老的furnace比优势非常微弱。
4. 进一步研究发现, furnace需不需要更换的指标是 heat exchanger有没有腐蚀,因为heat exchanger是跟frame一体的,它的更换成本跟换整机的成本一样。 我们家的furnace13年,以前用的没觉得什么不好,也没什么噪音, heat exchanger良好。
5. 所以就决定不换只修。 找人报价修 $500 到 $800 不等。 如果修的报价超过 换的报价的25%, 就不要找人修了,因为修了后可能不久又坏了, 而换会有10年的质保。
6. 于是抱着试一试的心态,在小伙伴们帮助下, 拆机。 新的马达要$200, 马达上的电容 $10.
7. 花了$10到买了一个电容,换上去,Bingo, furnace恢复正常。
Translation by HHY: My furnace stopped working. I did some diagnostics.
1. the gas water heating was working so it should not be due to gas supply.
2. changed new filter. it still didn't work.
3. I could hear furnace running. I could see the flame. but there was no warm air coming out.
4. turn off the power and turn it on. still not working.
More info as below
1. I got many quotes on installing a new furnace. The quotes were from $2000 to $5500. The service providers on homehomeyeah provided reasonable quotes but they were too busy and I needed to wait for a few days.
2. Furnace efficiency (95% and 80%):the mainstream is 80%. there is PSE rebate for 98% one but it is more expensive. The vent pipe can't be metal (normally PVC). I can imagine that the maintenance of 95% furnaces is more work compared to 80% furnaces.
3. Got info from friends that the lifespan of furnaces is 20yrs. It is not high tech. New furnaces don't have many advantages compared to old ones.
4. I found that if a furnace should be replaced depends of if the heat exchanger should be replaced. My furnace is 13yrs old. It is not noisy and the heat exchanger is fine.
5. I decided to repair instead of replace. the cost is from $500 to $800.
6. I decided it to do it myself. The new motor has a rough cost of $200. The capacitor on the motor costs $10.
7. Before replacing the motor I decided to just replace the capacitor to see if it works. Bingo, it works!;
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Finished on: | 12/19/2016 |
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